Today was Sunday and we went to International Evangelical Church in Addis. It was a good service and I would definitely go back if I were to ever return to Ethiopia. Then we made our rounds to say goodbye to all of our friends :-(. At the transition house we said goodbye to all of the precious kids that made our trip so worthwhile. We picked up our 2 baby girls (A 2 year old and an 8 month old) that we would be escorting all the way to their new homes in America and then we packed up to go home!
I've loved spending time with all of the kids here and getting to know the families that were adopting them. Many of them I know I'll be seeing again and am really looking forward to seeing them as they grow up. I love to see how well the kids adjust and how much their lives have changed after finding a family.
Being here definitely gives me an appreciation for what we have and will stay with me for a long time. All I'm going to want to do is talk about my trip to everyone. I'm going to be slipping in my amharic to an obnoxious amount and every time I do the Ethiopian nod or the "yes gasp" I will laugh to myself and remember the kids that taught it to me, and the memories
that I had here.

Thank you so much for letting me share my trip with all of you and I really appreciate all of your prayers and support throughout this experience. It made my time here more enjoyable knowing that I had people that were excited for me that I knew I could share my time with.
Thank you all,
Julie! My ethiopian friend has been teaching me some amharic phrases. we'll have to keep each other sharp with it when we go back to Taylor!!
Hannah! That would be so much fun! Learn lots of new words and we can teach them to each other next year ;-) I even have an amharic language book so the learning doesn't have to stop!
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