Missions Trip Support

Friday, August 17, 2012

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Dear Family and Friends,

I’m excited to announce that I will be returning to Ethiopia! I feel so fortunate to be going back and able to be involved with causes that I love so much. I will have many assignments during my 3-month stay and am so excited to get started. I recently was given the opportunity to volunteer at an organization called Transformation Love that ministers to and assists the women in the area of Korah, described on their website as the “poorest of the poor”. Many of these women are recovering from a life of prostitution while still suffer from the daily struggles of full-blown AIDS and HIV. Being that I already had plans to be there I decided to extend my stay in order to fully commit to their cause. Unfortunately, there is not enough funds in their budget to house me close to their project where they would like me to stay. I am hoping to raise $500-1000 a month for 3 months in order to be able to live in close proximity to the women in this community, have transportation funds within the city and to have funds to assist with the needs there.

I was thrilled do be able to use my recent degree in social work to benefit the organization and these women whom they serve. My duties will involve visiting these women in their homes to minister to them while discovering their needs and how they can be met. Their needs are overwhelming including food, medical attention, help with their children, and emotional support while living with a deadly disease.  The organization has asked me to help assess their needs, photograph those needing sponsorship, communicate with the sponsors and gather intake information on the women and their dependent children.  This way, we can help them learn a practical skill to help meet some of their financial needs. When I began my social work degree I dreamed of being able to use my passion and acquired skills in such a way as this and I am so thankful for God’s perfect timing for this trip and the amazing opportunity that this will be for me. I know God has a plan for me and I’m so blessed to be able to return again.

As the travel date approaches, I am going in faith and trust that the housing will work out. I have temporary housing that I will be allowed during the beginning of my stay, but as I transition into this internship, I am striving to raise enough funds to allow me to stay in housing much close to the area of Korah in Western Addis Ababa. This will save valuable time and money that would be spent in travel from a much further home in Eastern Addis Ababa. As well, I would be boarding with another volunteer, which would allow us to work more closely and be able to balance our work together. I go, knowing that there is the possibility of the funds to fall short or come in excess, and I would like to inform any potential donors that the funds I do raise will be for the benefit of Transformation Love. Regardless of my housing situation 100% of the money raised will be to assist them in purchasing ministry items and meeting the needs of the women. My other expenses such as travel to the country and expenses related to projects for Celebrate Children International will be covered by the agency. I hope to spend about 50% of my time with the ministry and 50% of my time with CCI.

It is never easy asking for money and it feels surreal to be raising support for a trip that I am going to enjoy so much! I have experienced so much joy through mission trips, and they have been a blessing to me personally. I now look forward to another time of service with this organization and I will strive to give every part of myself during this trip as I hope to be as much of a blessing to them as they will be to me.

These next few months are going to be challenging, and rewarding, educational, and maybe even overwhelming at times. So above all else I appreciate prayers for me as I transition into the ministry there. A few specific ways you can be praying for me are:

-That that I will be a blessing to all the people that I will meet and for wisdom when presented with new experiences.
-To remain in good health over the course of the 3 months and my energy to not fade.
-For my time to be well spent and to enjoy the experience as well!

Your support will mean so much to me and I appreciate you taking this time to read this! If you are interested in supporting me or know anyone that may be able to help please email me at julie.r.hedberg@gmail.com. To receive a tax deductible receipt, checks can be made out to Celebrate Children International and sent to 1757 West Broadway Street - Suite 5 – Oviedo, Florida 32765. If you would like to learn more about Transformation Love go to http://www.transformationlove.com/ and to follow my journey you can visit my blog at http://www.juliehedberg.blogspot.com/.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support!
~Julie Hedberg


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