It makes Sense!

Monday, March 7, 2011

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"To God be the Glory" a Packers football player said in an interview just after winning the Super Bowl. "Cool" I thought. I was glad to see a football player giving God credit for the win. But then I started thinking about why we do that. Does God really have control over things as trivial as a football game? God didn't "help" him win so why do we give God the credit for it? I've realized that thanking God for all the things in our lives is more important then we recognize sometimes. As I thought about this, I came to understand further God's nature and how it connects to the suffering in the world.
I met Rona in the Philippines. She worked at the orphanage next to our house in Manila and I was able to have some wonderful conversations with her. She talked about her insecurity in God's care for his people. In the midst of her suffering country she can't make sense as to why God doesn't help, or at least help more. I told her that I believed that God does love them and wants the best for them, but they don't necessarily see his hand in the way they expect. God likes to use people, his servants to change the world. Her prayer should be that ordinary people see the issues in the world and become moved to act, some even to become missionaries and helping first hand. These people make themselves malleable to God to be used by Him to do awesome things for his kingdom. God strengthens them and grows them to become great people doing great things. And when these people look back on their work they see that there is no way they could have done anything on their own or made it this far without God's help. I believe that God gives people the ability and the passion to help (James 1:27). So it would be SO wrong for us to take any of the credit or the glory for what we do for ourselves. It's through Him that we receive the strength to do anything.
I think part of the reason why people doubt God's intervention in the suffering of the world because He isn't given enough credit for what He does do (Psalm 82:4). Everything we do is through God and we wouldn't be able to do anything on our own. So, yes. Praise God for all of the missions groups that travel the world helping in poverty stricken areas, taking care of orphans, and assisting widows in their distress (James 1:27). So when the football player looks to the sky after the win and praises God for it, he's thanking Him for the ability and strength to play that resulted in a win. We as well should give God the glory for all the wonderful things we have been able to do in our lives because "all good things are are a perfect gift from above" (James 1:17).

"Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, suffering, and injustice when He could do something about it because I'm afraid he's going to ask me the same question."


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