Usually when I think of Spring Break I imagine laying out on the beach, swimming, boating... but not this time. When my friends asked me if I would go camping in the Smokey Mountains with them this year (which actually turned out to be the Blue Ridge Mountains but we didn't know that till afterwards...) I was a little hesitant at first but I can gladly say that I didn't regret saying yes! Not counting the first night in the tent of course... At that point I swore that I would never ever go camping again! Not only were we fighting the bitter cold all night but also GRAVITY!! We had found our perfect little spot a little secluded from the rest of the campsites, bordering the woods, about 50 steps from a beautiful view... only to discover that we had just set up our tent on a HILL! We didn't think it was going to be a big problem since it wasn't that steep so we didn't bother to move... but it was definitely a struggle. It's not very much fun when you keep waking up in the middle of the night b/c of the cold and find that you have "fallen" to the bottom of the tent and have to kick your way back up. I felt a little mermaid-like due to my lack of mobility thanks to the sleeping bag... or at least the way a mermaid would have had to flop around in a tent if she ever were to be as crazy as we were to go camping...
Don't get me wrong! It was a great rest of the week we lived in bliss and was more relaxing as I could have asked for. We spent days touring through caves in Kentucky, napping by waterfalls in Georgia, playing in rivers, reading on mountaintops, and touring quaint little towns. But most importantly I got through most of the Hunger Games during this week!! I've been dying to read them for the longest time and this was the perfect time to get addicted to a series like this one without all that schoolwork getting in the way of all my fun :P
We had lots of fun stops on our road trip down to Georgia and more car trouble then we could ask for!! My goodness... My gold colored, long lived, focus developed the endearing name "Shadow" in reference to the golden retriever from Homeward Bound... and if any of you have had a proper childhood understand that as the viewer of this classic you're not sure if the very old sweet dog is going to make it back home. He had lots of close calls... falling into holes (or in our case driving down mountains and having our breaks go out... my heart's racing just recalling the incident). But we (just like the real Shadow) made it back alive! Memories were made, and relationships have grown stronger, and I'm so glad that I got the chance to do this!

Trips like these can never be accurately put in words so I'll let my pictures to the rest of the talking :)
I guess this is a good place to point out that I only had time to do this b/c I was putting off some of my more important homework. So if you think of me in the next 2 weeks please pray for motivation for me please! It is much needed! Thanks!